Xnito-Neuigkeiten | E-Bike-Helm der Klasse 3 – Seite 8



Author: Benjamin Dai

Xnito eBike Helmet Review

Jun 14, 2024 

E-bike cyclists must consider additional protection when riding at higher speeds. The Xnito helmet provides more coverage of the rider’s head. At $129, it is in line with a typical bike helmet and an NTA 8776 rating, protecting a rider up to 28 mph.

Author: Benjamin Dai

Xnito helmet review: A helmet specifically for e-bikes

Jun 14, 2024 

If you are considering an e-bike, that's amazing. They are incredibly fun and an excellent way to reduce the number of times you might feel the draw of automotive transport.

Author: Benjamin Dai

Xnito Helmet Review 2024

Jun 14, 2024 

Where e-bikes are concerned, Europe has led the way in a great many regards. Europe is also leading the way where safety is concerned with the NTA8776 helmet standard. 

Author: Benjamin Dai

My favorite biking gear I’ve tested this year, from locks to helmets and more

Jun 14, 2024 

I’ve tested a lot of helmets over the years, but the XNITO helmet impressed me as one that is quite comfortable while still feeling like it gives me good wraparound protection.

Author: Benjamin Dai

New XNITO e-bike helmets engineered for protection at higher speeds

Jun 14, 2024 

Its helmets meet the NTA certification, a Dutch safety standard developed specifically for e-bike riders. E-bikes make it possible for even amateur riders to achieve faster speeds than they typically would on a normal bicycle. That’s part of why e-bikes continue to grow in popularity.

Author: Benjamin Dai

Got A New E-Bike? Here’s The Gear You Need To Ride Safe And Be Seen

Jun 14, 2024 

XNITO makes ebike helmets rated NTA-8776, which protects in crashes up to 28 mph - or the top assist speed of a Class 3 e-bike. 

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