Author: Benjamin Dai
MIPS vs NTA 8776
Two of the biggest terms in the industry right now regarding safety are MIPs, and NTA 8776. Both have to do with helmet safety, both are relatively new, and both are big points of advertisement for helmet manufacturers.
Author: Benjamin Dai
Exciting News!
As a thank you to all our supporters we are lowering the price on the Disco, Hemp, and Valkyrie models of our helmet to $135 for the remainder of the year!
Author: Benjamin Dai
E-scooters Getting Banned
The 1970s and 80s predicted hoverboards as the personal transportation vehicle of choice, but so far transportation technology hasn’t been able to escape the wheel.
Author: Benjamin Dai
A Brief History of the E-Bike
Most people would probably guess somewhere in the early 2000’s, and some people might remember seeing one in the 90’s
Author: Benjamin Dai
America has a helmet problem
It has nothing to do with safety standards. Despite ongoing efforts to increase helmet usage and awareness, a strikingly low number of riders in the US are actually wearing helmets.
Author: Benjamin Dai
Onewheel safety 2022
Onewheel sales skyrocketed during the pandemic. With an effort to avoid public transit, and a little extra cash on hand from the stimulus checks...